Monday, 1 July 2013

Stocked Product check box from Item Model Group in Axapta 2012

Hi Folks,

Every one of us know about why we use the Stocked Product check box in the Item Model Group form.

There is a new usage that we can look at this functionality,

Example for demonstration:

Furniture company is offering a paid  maintenance service at customer door step along with the spare parts.

In the above example we have two types of items

  • Service item (non- stocked item)
  • spare parts (stocked item)

In the final Solution, Furniture company has to bill the customers which includes Service cost Spare parts cost.

Generally Service items can be defined (Setup) with Cost price and Sales price but in the above example we can understand that we Furniture company is offering BOM item which includes spare parts and service items. In Axapta 2012, while calculating the BOM, we can include the service item cost price.

Axapta setup for BOM calculation for Service Item 

Scenario 1: 

If Stocked product = False is recommended – when the product costs are expensed directly in the Service order...

Scenario 2: 

If Stocked product = True is recommended – when the product costs will be included in BOM structure...
Few more Glimpses on this feature are:

A) From Master planning perspective, the non-stocked service product cannot be part of a bill of material. Demand from a higher level bill of material item cannot create drive demand towards a non-stocked product

B) From product costing perspective, the non-stocked service product cannot be part of a bill of material and cannot contribute to the direct cost of a finished goods

Note: For a service item to support subcontracting and be included in master planning, the service item has to be setup as stocked.

Thanks for reading folks....

Kindly revert back to me if you have any concerns on my article...

Naveen. B

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Axapta Retail 2012 installation of Real time Service (2012 R2 is the re-architecting)

Hi All,

From few days people were asking me and Questioning me about Real time services,

Actually this Real time service is brought architectural change to the Ax-retail from 5.0 to 6.0.

Importance of Real time services: 

We will use the real time services in real time Transaction's from Stores, Below are the few examples which will describe the importance of Real time Service's..

If real time services active then following can be possible from the POS

  • On-hand Inventory (Item wise) check at Head quarters level as well at each store level (Ware house)
  • Customer creation can be done from POS and can directly communicate to the Head quarters (Indirectly to other stores as-well)
  • Loyalty benefits schemes 
  • Delivery from store activities (where Payment done at one Store and Picking can be done at different store) 
  • Create orders and quotations without leaving the customer’s side using POS-based order support capabilities
  • Perform price and inventory checks and manage inventory reservations

In simple terms we can say Real time services can be used to exchange the real time data/ information/transactions between the stores and Head quarters 

Note: Retail Transactions service is now changed to Commerce Data Exchange: Real-time Service...

Activating the Real time Service in 2012 R2: 

Step 1: In first step we have to verify the IIS services are properly installed in the system or not
Screen Shot-1
Step 2: Install Real time Service from Package

Step 3: Verify server certificate in IIS manager 

Step 4: Note the Subject Name of the Server Certificate and Copy Thumbprint which is 20-digit (40-chars) hex string to your clipboard we will need it later
Thumbprint Example: ‎02c05a63a0564fd2a478n3365548ba8bh83280e9

Step 5: Following "PS1" sample scripts should be available in the folder – “D:\Dynamics\AX64\60\Commerce Data Exchange\Real-time Services\6.2\Sample Deployment Scripts". Notice Screenshot-1.3


Step 6: Execute the PS1 script “InstallCommerceDataExchangeRealtimeService” in Windows PowerShell. Notice Screenshot – 1.4


i . Domain name/User name                        : COLDEMO\demouser1
ii. Password                                                : Access4NO
iii. Enter Service Binary Source Folder Path : D:\Dynamics\AX64\60\Commerce
Data Exchange\Real-time Services\6.2
iv. Enter Service Certificate Thumbprint   : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Once the Power shall execution shows the successful status as below screen shot,

Step 7:Once the Successful Installation of Real-time Service is done. Go to AX HQ and Setup Real-time Service Profile 

Field name
The name of the machine hosting the Web service.
The port of the Web service. By default, this value should be 808 for net.tcp binding.
It is recommended that net.tcp binding be used here.
Web application name
This is the name of the web application that hosts Real-time Service. By default it is CommerceDataExchangeRealtimeService.
Common Name
It should match the "Subject" property of the certificate - WMSvc-AX2012A
This is the passphrase that the POS application will use to authenticate to the Real-time Service. Since this is encrypted and stored in a table that gets replicated to the POS database, you can enter any value here as long as it is non-blank.

Real-time Service Version
AX 2012 R2

Step 8: Map the Real time Service profile to the required POS- Register

Step 9: Create a folder for the Real-time Service Loggers and provide the same path in the web config file 
(Location: C:\inetpub\DynamicsAxRetail\CommerceDataExchangeRealtimeService)

Step 10:
Start the Realtimetransaction service and connect to POS Register

Trouble shooting: 

If the RealtimeService is not installed and if getting any errors. Uninstall the Real-time service with the uninstallation script and then re-install after solving the issue

Path for Uninstall Script: D:\Dynamics\AX64\60\Commerce Data Exchange\Real-time Services\6.2\Sample Deployment Scripts

Hope this could help you out...

If further clarifications needed, post a reply to this.

Thanks for reading Folks....

Thursday, 2 May 2013

How to install AX- Retail -2012 R2

 1.       Install Dynamics Ax 6.2 with ax and Retail components.

2.       When asked for store configuration. Enter server name as your store database server name , store database name as RETAILPOS, offline database name as RETAILPOSOFFLINE, store number as S0001, terminal id as 0101 and company as CEU.

 3.    When asked for commerce data exchange sync service configuration, enter server name where you want to install CDX: sync service(for dev installation it would be the same box) and Database name as AXRETAILMSG

4.       Restore the Contoso demo data to ax database (MicrosoftDynamicsAX) and model database (MicrosoftDynamicsAX_model) respectively.

5. Restore the Ax data base (.BAK file)

6.   Open Sql server, select MicrosoftDynamicsAX db -> Go to table USERINFO, add yourself as admin by updating your user ID and SID.

7. Open Ax -> Change the company to CEU

8. Retail -> Setup -> Channel Integration -> Real Time Service Profile
Set up Real time service profile by changing your server name, common name and pass phrase

9. Retail -> Setup->Channel Integration->Commerce data Exchange : Synch Service profile

Click test connection, it should return success!

10.  1.       Retail -> Setup->Channel Integration-> AOS Profile
Click test connection, it should return success!

11. Retail -> Setup->Channel Integration->Database profile 
Here database name should be of POS database to which your store is pointing

12. Retail->Setup->Retail Scheduler-> Distribution Locations -> Since I am configuring store 1 hence, channel name should be corresponding store here its Store 1 and Database Profile name should be database  profile which we have created in last step

      13. Retail->Setup->Retail Scheduler-> Distribution Location list Make sure that you select distribution location for POS which we have created in last step 

14. Retail -> Periodic->Data distribution->Distribution schedule Update all A and N jobs which are not suffixed by _OC with AOS connection profile as the AOS profile which we have created in step 8 and Add distribution location list which we created in last step for POS

15.  Run all N – jobs one by one by one.

16. Go to location :  ..\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Retail POS Open POS.exe config file

Make sure that store id is S0001, terminal id is 0101 and dataareaid is CEU, if not change it to these values, save and close

17.  Click on Retail POS, You should get this screen,

Select 10001 and key in password as 456

I have followed and done the installation/Configuration process as mentioned in the above process.

OK folks, please send me your valuable feedback and queries.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Finally Retail POS got configured

Hi All,

I am trying to install Ax-Retail RTM in my local mechine from quite some time and today I got succeeded in same.

Thanks to my colegues who helped me in doing that,

Send queries to the blog and will be addressed ASAP.

Naveen. B

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Item requirement for Projects got changed in Ax-6.2

Hi All,

We are all know the importance of Item requirement fot the Project. I have a requirement where I need to created a item requirement for the selected T& M project.

(  Through this Item requirement functionality, Organizations can reserve the Items for the projects. (Reserve/Mark an item directly from the journals or a sales order) )

Most of the people know In 6.0 we have a menu item placed in

Project management and accounting > Common > Projects > All projects > Click Manage > New > Item task > Item requirement

But 6.0 menu item got changed in the UI part

Changed path:

Project management and accounting > Common > Projects > All projects >  Click Plan > Click on Item requirement button in Item requirement group

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Microsoft Dynamics Ax-Retail 2012-- Shifts

Hi Guys,

Today We will see work a rounds on Shifts.  

We will see the Scenario first,

1.    Start Retail POS (Seattle-2) and log on using these credentials:

2.  Create a New Shift.

3. We will click on "Perform a non- drawer operation"in following possible scenario's,
  • To take the reports
  • To see the discount offers
  • To perform non-cash related actions like knowing the 
o    Statuses of particulate sales orders
o     Special offers
o    Etc..
4. If we click on "Open a new shift" ,

5. I have done few transactions and I will close the Shift as per below screen shot.

6. Once it is done, and Successfully P-Job run then we can see the Shift details and related transaction in the shift can be viewed in the following path at Retail Head-quarter

                           Retail --> Inquiries --> Shifts

That's all about shifts, there is so much to cover on shifts which I will update on my further posts. 

Have a nice day :)

Kindly send your feed back as your precious comments, 
