Thursday, 28 June 2012

Assortments in Axapta 2012-Retail


Hi, Today we will learn about an exciting feture of Ax- 2012 retail which is Assortments.

As per standard definistion Assortment is a group of things; a selection; a group of things of the same sort; an assorted set.

In Reatil, Assortments is is a collection of channels in a systamitic way, through which the Organization wants to sell the goods in the Retail independent channels.


Univercell is a Retail company which wants to sell the items in two different item categories, in different Store formates as per the Life style of the geography and store size. 

Svien is a Retail operational manager in the Univercell, he created the Assortments in the following way,

  • Univercell is having three different sort of Retail channels as per the business activity.
    • They are
      • Chennel 1:-Multi Brant stores without Accessories
      • Chennel 1:-Mobile stores with Accessories
      • Chennel 1:-Durables and life style stores
  • As per the above business process in Soren, Planned the Assortments in the following way
    • Created Three different types retail product categoris
      • Mobile
      • Durables
      • Accessories
    • Created 3 different Organizational models (Which are nothing but Store groups) and all should be created with the Organization type Retail Assortment
      • Multi Brant stores
      • Mobile stores
      • Durables
    • Finally he created three different assortments with Organization modles like this
      • BIG stores which will contain the Multi Brand stores  
      • Mobile stores which will contain the all the Mobiles
      • Durable stores which will contain the TV's, washing machines and Refrigiratior
 Each Assortment is having single Organization model, but if Company wants to maintain it can create Single Organization model with all the models and categories.

For  Each Assortment we can define following things
  1. Can define the Effective date and Expiry date
  2. Comapny can Publish each assortment in seperated action
  3. Each assortment in having three statuses
    1. Draft
    2. Published
    3. Expired
  4. Each Product or Product variant in category can be Included or Excluded from the Assortment. 
We have a special feture in Assortment, i.e is Assortment scheduler.  This feture enable the Organization to run the Periodic jobs from Head quarters to Channels of Stores to send the valid data every time to update the new updates in the Assortments.

So main goal of Assortment is to make sure for the retailers to have the Rtight Item in Right Store through the Right channel at the right Time.........
Please send your feed back to update our BLOG in much effective way.


  1. Naveen,

    I have been trying to publish assortments to retail stores. However, the items are not updated to POS system. I have run the assortment scheduler and distribution schedule N-1040 under AX 2012 demo VPC, but they didn't work. Do you know what may go wrong here? Thanks.

  2. Please check the sub-jobs once, it may resolve your problem, Sorry for the leate reply
