Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Category hierarchy types (Standard and Retail Hierarchies)

Category hierarchy types (Standard and Retail Hierarchies) 

Scenario:-  Univercell is the durable expert retailer in the market,where it has the Purchase and sales deportment's. Lars the Procurement manager wants to bifurcate the category hierarchies for each deportment. He decided to create and assign the default category hierarchies to category hierarchies types.
Note:- Hierarchies setups are maintained at organization level and not at Legal entity level.

Standard Axapta Category hierarchy type will show the type of the Category hierarchy like used or inherited from and for Sales, Purchase and Commodity. 
 Procurement category hierarchy will be used by Purchase deportment to create, manage, send and receive the purchase based product hierarchies through out the Organization. 

Sales category hierarchy will be used by the sales deportment.

Commodity code hierarchies will be maintain the commodity based hierarchies which can be defined by the legal authority of hosting country.

Note:- Sales and purchase hierarchy (Procurement)types can be assigned to single Category hierarchy through out the organization. where as Organization can have more that 1 commodity hierarchy.

Retail retail specific category hierarchy types  

Retail product hierarchy for Standard retail product categorization. and there will be only one retail Retail product hierarchy for the Organization.

Supplemental retail hierarchy Categorize products for special reasons (e.g., clearance, discounts/price reductions, top items, assortments, etc.) and There can be one or more supplemental retail hierarchies in the system.

Retail vendor product hierarchy: Capture vendor’s product categorization structure.There can be one or more retail vendor hierarchies in the system

 In the Next post we will learn about Category Hierarchies in detail.

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