Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Purchase Order and Change Management

Purchase Order and Change Management

 Main concept of introducing this new setup is to control the Cost.  Yes, to Control the Cost Companies use to have the feature of Work flow concepts in detail. 

Change management will activate the work flow for purchase order at Legal Entity level and Each Vendor level, As Change management lets you review and track history of a purchase order before
it is approved.

This Setup can be done at  

Procurement and Sourcing -->  Setup --> Procurement and Sourcing parameters

Activate Change management  will activate the Change management at Legal entity level.

Allow Override of Settings per vendor will allow the user to override the setup at Vendor form.

Note:- We even can activate the Change management at Purchase order level before saving the order.

Ex:- Scenario1:- If company wants to Activate the Change management at each vendor level to control the Vendors finalization on trade then Allow Override of Settings per vendor can be used.

Ex:- Scenario2:- If company wants to Activate the Change management at and don't want the user to change the setup at each Vendor level then Allow Override of Settings per vendor will be disabled.

There are two roles in change management; 

The Requester can do the following to a change request or purchase order:
The Approver can do the following to a change request or purchase order: 
                                 Approve or Reject, and Edit
                                 Approve or Reject

We can setup multiple approvers for a purchase order.

Scenario with document status:-

Lars is a purchase manager, who wants to approve the purchase orders which are raised against the Vendor 1002 (Stationary supplier), to control the Cost. Jens is a purchase officer raised a purchase order.

Step1:- Jens does the setups at Parameter level in the following way

Step2:- Jens opens the Vendor form and makes the following setup for the vendor 3007

Step3:- Jens Created a purchase order against 3007 for the Stationary ite,

HERE document document status will come into the picture,
Draft – a purchase order that is created but not submitted to the Next level approval.

In review – a purchase order that is submitted but not approved.
                       Special condition The requester can recall a purchase order in this status.

Rejected – a purchaser order that is rejected. The requester can either edit and resubmit, or cancel the purchase order.

Approved – a purchase order that is approved and cannot be recalled because inventory transactions are created.

Confirmed – a purchase order that has gone through the confirmation process and can be released to the vendor.

Hope every one got clear Idea how the Change management will work in Ax-2012. 

Kindly post the Valuable suggestions or queries!!!!!!!!!


  1. Dear Naveen,

    I have some queries:
    There are already 100 POs have been posted. Now I have activated change management. WIll it reflect to only the new records? What abt the older POs which are in still approved and in confirmed status? Request change is not getting enabled to some of the records of above statuses. And purchaser is able to edit the record which is in confirmed status and was able to submit again for approval but that record is still in confirmed status only but not to Draft. Please suggest if I missed anything.


  2. Hi Pawan,

    If after activating the change management, it will impact only upcoming/Newly created Purchase orders only.

    If you De-activate the Change management, then you need to c

  3. Will the chnage management work for inter company PO?

  4. If the Destination company is activated with Change management, then it should/Will work...

    Ex: Sales order has been raised against which a PO is raised in other company (Destination) where Change management is activated, then The newly created PO will be have the Change management activation.

  5. Hi Naveen...

    If I am creating Conditional workflow, where three or four users are involve to to approve the PO according to there approval rights base on PO amount, So how change management will work or there is any other method for this type workflow.
